Ashtabula, Ohio
Made it to Ohio today. Not far across the border, but happy to be in the state where I’ll find my next capitol. Today was a day for crossing Erie and mostly riding the same road parallel to Lake Erie. I didn’t see much of the lake, though it seems that is the most common name.
I found this out this morning when my bike computer was confused. I had told it to start plotting a route from “Lakeview inn” without realizing it had picked a different motel a few miles away. It all got sorted out.

The road starting out had shoulders though it was more variable today and also more traffic.

A brief section with bike lane going into Erie. The town seemed to stretch for about 12 miles and was busy throughout.

Some was residential streets like this one.

I found a giant acorn.

Past Erie, now with a set of camps and campgrounds like this “Eriez”

There was even a sign for a hill. Though compared to Connecticut or Vermont this was small.

The area I was cycling was once disputed land and then sold to Pennsylvania –

The Ohio border! I was happy to reach my first state (other than Vermont) without an Atlantic coast. I was less happy to see the shoulder went away and didn’t reappear in the 14 miles I cycled in Ohio. Hopefully unique to US20 but not a good first impression.

There wasn’t a big “Welcome to Ohio” sign, but I found this boundary marker.

A good spot to stop for lunch. There was a nice picnic table out back. It was getting warm, but fortunately I got most of my cycling in before lunch.
Strava says: 51.43 miles in 5:26:05 for 9.5 miles/hour. 1060 feet climbed and 3499 calories burned. I am a little suspicious of those calorie numbers though. You put in your weight (not including extra gear weight) and it calculates this sum. Despite also having some gear to pedal along – I suspect my body is going more relaxed than the cycle computer thinks. Also not sure how many calories going in; more than as an office worker but not as many as the bike computer thinks. We’ll weigh sometime later.
Now I need to figure out my route through Ohio. There is an Ohio River to Lake Erie bike trail (OTET) that I will try parts but not sure where to pick it up.